How to – Use CID groups
This article is going to go over the method to best setup CID groups and the different ways to configure each option available for them including statefill, statelookup and creating auto rotators. This will assume you know how to add DID’s to the system which is fairly easy. So the first thing you need to do is create the CID group as defined below:
Step 1 – Create CID group
Within the ViciDial admin gui go to the Admin section then to CID groups

Once you are here, just click “Add a CID Group”:

The first one we will create is for state lookup method, define “AREACODE” as the group type like shown below:

hit submit and you’ll see it looking like the below picture

Step 2 – Add the DID’s to the CID Group
Next, we will be using the admin utilities to add your DIDs to the CID Group. Go to the “Reports” page and scroll down to the bottom to click on “Admin utilities” then click on “Admin bulk Tools”

Now scroll down to “CID Groups and AC-CID Bulk Add” and add your DID’s, selecting “state lookup” will assign each number with its area code to the proper state its from, selecting “statefill” will automatically add every area code for each state you have a DID for with separate entries for each area code which is a really nice option to ensure local presence in some fashion even if you don’t own DID’s from every area code.

When you choose statefill youll see the same number submitted many times, this is normal

After doing this you’ll notice it filled it every area code for this example I did it for Florida, and even though I only entered 5 area codes, it filled in these 5 numbers for every area code in Florida:

Step 3 – Assign CID group to your campaign
Now you just have to assign the newly created CID group to the detail view of your campaign as shown below, make sure you set “Custom CallerID:” to Y

Now I will show you how to create an auto rotating CID group which will rotate all the DID’s added to this group based on intervals you can choose. Complete step one again but choose “None” for the “CID Group Type” as shown below”

Once your hit submit, choose how often you want the DID’s to change, a good starting point is every 5 minutes or 35 calls as shown below:

Go back and complete step 2 again using the “state lookup” method and assign the CID Group to the campaign, now your DID’s will auto rotate, I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and like always, if you have any questions, feel free to join our Live Support on Skype.
I hope this helps
-Chris aka carpenox
Younas Ahmed
Hi dear
can you guide me how to setup base zone caller id by using cid group..