How To – Fix the Perl repo for ViciBox 10(Leap 15.3)
If you’ve tried to update your ViciBox 10 system you’ll see that the Perl repo gives an error and you can’t update from that repo any longer. The reason for this is because Leap 15.3 has gone end of life(EOL) and will no longer be getting updates. The other repos will begin to die as well and your system will remain vulnerable to hackers as dialer system are high priority targets right now for ransomware groups, denialof service attackers and crypto miners. So how do you fix this issue? You upgrade to leap 15.4 following this article: How to – Upgrade OpenSuSE Leap 15.3 to 15.4.

Hopefully this helps those of you running into this problem and you’ll now be able to keep your systems secure.
Chris aka carpenox
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