Is there a dialer system that I can use from any device?

Is there a dialer system that I can use from any device?

Walmart Call Center WEB 732x384 1

The answer is YES! Our cloud based predictive dialers can be used from any device. We integrate WebRTC technology which allows users to make phone calls from within a browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Below is an example of one of our current clients as he logs into the system as an agent, comes out of pause and his very first call he got through his pitch which automatically popped up(no paper pitch needed), transferred the call to a closer who he was able to speak to first without the customer hearing, then introduced his closer who then happened to close that deal, however the point of this article was to show you in action how some features work without needing additional software for your device such as Zoiper or X-Lite.

Request a quote now to start saving money and taking advantage of such features as: IVR(Intelligent Voice Response), Outbound, Inbound, Survey and Press 1 campaigns, Secure Encryption, built in WebRTC Phone, lead filters for precise targeting, and so much more! Take a test drive now.

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