This is a pretty simple process. Only a few commands needs to be run in order to update your vicidial/cyburdial version via the Linux Command Line Interface(CLI)
cd /usr/src/astguiclient
svn checkout svn://
cd trunk
Then you may need to update your DB Schema using the following command which only be ran on your DB server in a cluster environment.
mysql -p -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql
Incorrect DB Schema Error: Code expects different schema
If you receive this error, you can see how to fix that here
Security vulnerability in Vicidial codebase - Update now! There is a major security hole in the vicidial codebase for any SVN version below 3509. Please see the email below. Vicidial exploit Please make sure you update your SVN and your OS, to update your SVN run these commands: cd /usr/src/astguiclient/trunksvn…
Useful Commands to manage everyday tasks on Asterisk/Vicidial Servers I wanted to put together a list of commands that I use often or daily that may help other people manage their days easier. If you have anything you use or think others would find useful, please comment below and I…
How to - Fix the Vicidial error: Code Expects Different Schema This is a pretty easy fix, "Code Expects Different Schema" occurs when you update your svn version but forget to update the db schema through mysql. The instructions are below. different schema After database dump restoration taken from older Vicibox to…
Shameem Ansari
thanks a lot it helped me solve my issue
u r great!!!!