How to – Create a call menu/IVR in ViciDial that you can dial an agents extension on
In this article, I will go over the steps you need to take to create an IVR(call menu) where people can call in and dial the agents extension number and reach them or get forwarded to their voicemail. This is going to assume you know how to create and upload the audio files needed for the recording for the Call menu / IVR and that you have a DID pointed to the Call Menu once its created.
Step 1 – Create the call menu
Click on Inbound and then add a new call menu

Step 2 – Fill out the call menu with the options you need
At the bare minimum you need the “Menu Prompt” where you select the audio file you want to be played to callers, the “Menu Timeout”, and the various options in the drop down menus.

Step 3 – Add the custom Dialplan
Here is the code you need to add to the custom dialplan box: (assuming the agent extensions are 4 digits, alter it accordingly)
exten => _XXXX,1,AGI(agi-AGENT_route.agi,default---AGENTDIRECT---ACTIVE)

Step 4 – Change AGENTDIRECT ingroup to work with sending to voicemail if there’s no agents logged in
This step will send calls to the agents voicemail if there is no one logged into the system. Change the No Agents No Queue options to match your needs or as I have it below but the most important thing to change is the Voicemail box settings to “AGENTVMAIL” for this Call Menu / IVR to go to the agents voicemail box that they press during the call menu.

That’s it for this article, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us in our group chat which has grown rather large from members of the ViciDial forum:
I hope this helps
Chris aka carpenox
just a question if an inbound caller or bot tries to dial an extension that doesn’t exist what action does this dialplan apply to that action?
exten => _XXXX,1,AGI(agi-AGENT_route.agi,default—AGENTDIRECT—ACTIVE)