How to – Create a simple CDR report for ViciDial

ViciDial Custom Report

How to – Create a simple CDR report for ViciDial

This article will go over how to create a simple CDR report for ViciDial using MySQL and PHP. I will provide the code I’ve used to accomplish this report which can be altered to fit your needs. First off, I have to thank Nik from for helping me with the MySQL query for it. Check out his site and his amazing AMD(Answering Machine Detection) service they offer for ViciDial and other dialer systems. Ok so lets get started.

Step 1 – Create the directory on your web server

First move into your web directory by the following commands for both RedHat(CentOS, Alma or Rocky) and OpenSuSE(Leap) distros.


cd /var/www/html
mkdir reports
cd reports


cd /srv/www/htdocs
mkdir reports
cd reports

Step 2 – Copy the code below and create the PHP file to serve it up

Now just copy and paste the code below into a .php file to use with ViciDial after typing the following command: nano cdr-report.php


$servername = "localhost";
$username = "cron";
$password = "1234";
$dbname = "asterisk";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
  die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$sql = "SELECT vc.`lead_id`, `campaign_id`, va.`user`, `phone_number`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `outbound_cid`, vd.`call_date`, `dial_time`, va.`status` FROM vicidial_carrier_log vc,  vicidial_agent_log va, vicidial_list vl, vicidial_dial_log vd WHERE vc.`lead_id`= vl.`lead_id` AND va.uniqueid = vc.uniqueid AND vl.lead_id = vd.lead_id and va.`status` NOT LIKE 'NEW'  and vc.caller_code = vd.caller_code;";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
  // output data of each row
  while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    echo "<b><font color=red>Lead ID:</b></font> " . $row["lead_id"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Campaign:</font></b> " . $row["campaign_id"]. " -|- <font color=red><b>Agent:</b></font> " . $row["user"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Customer Number:</b></font> " . $row["phone_number"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>First Name:</b></font> " . $row["first_name"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Last Name:</b></font> " . $row["last_name"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Outbound Caller ID:</b></font> " . $row["outbound_cid"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Dial Time:</b></font> " . $row["dial_time"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Dispo:</b></font> " . $row["status"]. " -|- <b><font color=red>Call Date:</b></font> " . $row["call_date"]. "<br>";
} else {
  echo "0 results";

After you save and exit, you should be able to access this page by going to and you should see something like the image below:

CDR Report

Step 3 – Add this report into ViciDial through custom reports

  • Login to your admin panel and go to the reports page
  • Click on Admin Utilities as shown below
ViciDial Admin Utilities
  • Click on “Custom Reports Admin Page”
Custom Reports Admin Page
  • Fill out the first line with “CDR Report”
  • Fill out the third line with “../reports/cdr-report.php
Create Custom Report

Step 4 – Update User Group Permissions

Now you need to make sure the User Groups that you want to have access to this new report have the proper permissions.

  1. Click on User Groups and “Show User Groups”
  2. Click on the User Group you want to have access to this report
  3. Scroll down to the “Allowed Cutom Reports” area and click on “All Reports” or specify the new report we just created only.
Allowed Custom Reports

Step 5 – Check the Reports page for your newly created Custom Report

CDR Report

That’s it, You’ve now created a custom report to retrieve your CDR details. This article can be followed to create other custom reports as well, just modify the code as needed or create links to outside web pages or links to access through your reports page within ViciDial. I hope you will find this useful. Feel free to join our Skype Live Support if you need assistance.

-Chris aka carpenox

How to – Setup a Press 1 campaign in ViciDial

Press 1 campaign

How to – Setup a Press 1 campaign in ViciDial

In this article I will cover how to setup a press 1 campaign in ViciDial. I am in no way a lawyer, however you should know that press 1 campaigns in the US is illegal to customers unless you have express permission. This can be used in a business to business model though.

Step 1 – Enable “Central Sound Control” in systems settings

  1. Login to your admin panel then click on admin and then system settings
  2. Enable “Central Sound Control” by setting active to 1
  3. Specify the domain or IP used for the web server as shown below
Central Sound Control

Step 2 – Upload your Press 1 sound file to the Audio Store

Make sure the sound file you create is in the format of a 16bit Mono 8k PCM WAV audio file. The 2 links below can be used to create your file using a text to speech engine and to convert that file to the needed format.

After you have done this, you can upload the file to the audio store in your administration panel as shown below:

image 4

Make sure it was uploaded correctly, it should show a similar message to this one:

image 5

Step 3 – Setup your campaign for a Press 1

We need to change the routing extension used for a Press 1 campaign to either 8366 which doesnt use AMD or to 8373 which does. There is other options available for cepstral text to speech with or without AMD usage as shown in the image below:

image 6
  1. Change the routing extension from the default 8368(no AMD) or 8369(AMD) to 8366 or 8373 depending if you want to use Answering machine detection or not
  2. Set your “Dial Method” to Ratio and what you want that ratio to be, such as 3:1
  3. Click on the survey tab at the top of your detail view of the campaign
  4. Change the audio file to the one you created and uploaded to the audio store
image 7

Step 4 – Have your agents login and the campaign will begin

Once your agents login to the active campaign, they will start to receive calls from anyone who has pressed 1 or didn’t press anything at all.


That’s all there is to it, I hope this helps those of you that needed this information.

Chris aka carpenox

How to – Patch Asterisk 16 or 18 for ViciDial

Asterisk patch

How to – Patch Asterisk 16 or 18 for ViciDial

In this article, I will go over how to patch newer versions of Asterisk that can be used with ViciDIal. Copy and paste the lines of code that have to do with the version of Asterisk you plan to use.

Step 1 – Download the needed files for Asterisk and the patches from ViciDial

cd /usr/src/asterisk
tar -xzvf asterisk-16.30.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf asterisk-18.18.1.tar.gz

cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-16.30.0
cd apps/
yes | cp -rf enter.h.1 enter.h
yes | cp -rf leave.h.1 leave.h

cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-18.18.1/
cd apps/
yes | cp -rf enter.h.1 enter.h
yes | cp -rf leave.h.1 leave.h

Step 2 – Apply the patches to the version you chose to use

Now that we’ve got the files, lets begin patching them as shown below. After applying each patch, copy and paste the location shown below each patch line.

Asterisk 16 patches

patch < amd_stats.patch apps/app_amd.c
patch < iax2_peer_status.patch channels/chan_iax2.c
patch < sip_logging_peer_status.patch channels/chan_sip.c
patch < timeout_reset_dial_app.patch apps/app_dial.c
patch < timeout_reset_dial.patch main/dial.c

Asterisk 18 patches

patch < amd_stats-18.patch apps/app_amd.c
patch < iax_peer_status-18.patch channels/chan_iax2.c
patch < sip_peer_status-18.patch channels/chan_sip.c
patch < timeout_reset_dial_app-18.patch apps/app_dial.c
patch < timeout_reset_dial_core-18.patch main/dial.c
image 2

Step 3 – Compile Asterisk

Now to compile Asterisk after applying the necessary patches. Copy and paste the desired Asterisk version code.

Asterisk 16

cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-16.30.0/
: ${JOBS:=$(( $(nproc) + $(nproc) / 2 ))}
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --with-gsm=internal --enable-opus --enable-srtp --with-ssl --enable-asteriskssl --with-pjproject-bundled --with-jansson-bundled

make menuselect/menuselect menuselect-tree menuselect.makeopts
#enable app_meetme
menuselect/menuselect --enable app_meetme menuselect.makeopts
#enable res_http_websocket
menuselect/menuselect --enable res_http_websocket menuselect.makeopts
#enable res_srtp
menuselect/menuselect --enable res_srtp menuselect.makeopts
make -j ${JOBS} all
make install

Asterisk 18

cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-18.18.1/
: ${JOBS:=$(( $(nproc) + $(nproc) / 2 ))}
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --with-gsm=internal --enable-opus --enable-srtp --with-ssl --enable-asteriskssl --with-pjproject-bundled --with-jansson-bundled

make menuselect/menuselect menuselect-tree menuselect.makeopts
#enable app_meetme
menuselect/menuselect --enable app_meetme menuselect.makeopts
#enable res_http_websocket
menuselect/menuselect --enable res_http_websocket menuselect.makeopts
#enable res_srtp
menuselect/menuselect --enable res_srtp menuselect.makeopts
make -j ${JOBS} all
make install

That completes this article, make sure you restart asterisk if its running with “core restart now”

-Chris aka carpenox

How to – Fix ViciBox 11 after kernel update

ViciBox 11

How to – Fix ViciBox 11 after kernel update

Ok, so it seems that if you run a “zypper up” on ViciBox 11, it will update the kernel which then leaves dahdi with errors that won’t allow it to start up and calls will have no audio and you will not hear the “only-person” sound when you login. After debugging this issue for a few hours, I was able to figure out a fix for it. We are going to manually install the latest dahdi and some updates that are needed in order to fix this, so let’s get started.

Step 1 – Download dahdi

OK, so first lets go to the /usr/src directory and then download the file for dahdi

cd /usr/src/
tar -xzvf dahdi-linux-complete-3.2.0+3.2.0.tar.gz
cd dahdi-linux-complete-3.2.0+3.2.0/

Step 2 – Download kernel update and needed compile tools

zypper in autoconf gcc make libtool
zypper in *kernel-default*

Press 2 when it gives you options

Step 3 – Compile Dahdi

Run the following commands:

make install
make install-config
cd tools
make clean
make install
make install-config
cp /etc/dahdi/system.conf.sample /etc/dahdi/system.conf

Step 4 – Run modprobe for dahdi and check to make sure its working

modprobe dahdi
dahdi_cfg -v
image 1

Dialer Related Quiz

Dialer Quiz

Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge on dialer solutions:

**Dialer Solutions Quiz**

1. What is a common pain point that many businesses face when using traditional dialer solutions?

   a) Limited scalability

   b) Too many features

   c) Free usage

2. How does CyburDial differentiate itself in terms of pricing?

   a) Monthly subscription fees per seat

   b) A one-time payment for a lifetime of service

   c) Per-minute charges

3. What is one of the key advantages of using CyburDial’s dialer solution?

   a) Hidden fees

   b) Automation of repetitive tasks

   c) No analytics

4. What is the main benefit of CyburDial’s lifetime pricing model?

   a) It’s more expensive than other solutions

   b) It allows for unlimited scalability

   c) It includes hidden fees

5. Which of the following is NOT a feature of CyburDial’s dialer solution?

   a) User-friendly interface

   b) Automation

   c) Per-seat charges

6. How does CyburDial’s dialer solution address the pain point of inefficient communication?

   a) By increasing per-minute charges

   b) By automating repetitive tasks

   c) By offering complex setup procedures

7. What sets “CyburDial” apart from other dialer solutions?

   a) Its lack of integration options

   b) Its use of AI technology for efficiency

   c) Its high cost


  1. a) Limited scalability
  2. b) A one-time payment for a lifetime of service
  3. b) Automation of repetitive tasks
  4. b) It allows for unlimited scalability
  5. c) Per-minute charges
  6. b) By automating repetitive tasks
  7. b) Its use of AI technology for efficiency

How to – Install Vicidial on Alma Linux 9 with my new auto installer

Alma Linux 9 Vicidial

How to – Install Vicidial on Alma Linux 9 with my new auto installer

That’s right, I have fixed the issues with dahdi and php7 installations on Alma Linux 9 and created the auto installer for it, complete with the dynamic portal and the CyburPhone. Its been tested and is working. So lets get to it! The code can be found here:

Alma 9 ISO –

Step 1 – Download the dependencies

timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York

yum check-update
yum update -y
yum -y install epel-release
yum update -y
yum install git -y
yum install kernel* --exclude=kernel-debug* -y

#Disable SELINUX
sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config    

cd /usr/src
git clone
cd vicidial-install-scripts


Step 2 – Run the installer

Now yes this an auto installer, but you have to hit enter a couple times as well as add the server’s IP so don’t walk away for too long.

Make sure you have (FQDN) Full Qualified Domain name

chmod +x

For other versions check here:

Some more in-depth information about the installer can be found here:

Check out my latest article for better setup instructions: How to – Use the full functionality of the ViciDial installer by carpenox

That’s all there is to it. I hope you guys like it, it was a lot of hard work. Please donate to keep this blog thriving:

-Chris aka carpenox

Dialer.One: The Ultimate Solution to Avoid Robocaller Blocks and Costly Legal Pitfalls

Avoid RoboCaller

Dialer.One: The Ultimate Solution to Avoid RoboCaller Blocks and Costly Legal Pitfalls

In today’s business landscape, effective communication is paramount, but it’s often challenged by an array of obstacles, from RoboCaller blocking apps to costly Do-Not-Call (DNC) violations and TCPA litigations. Enter Dialer.One – a revolutionary platform designed to help businesses overcome these challenges while saving substantial costs. Discover how Dialer.One can empower your business and safeguard your communication endeavors.

Robocaller and Scam Blocking Apps: The Communication Barrier

The rise of RoboCaller and other scam likely blocking apps has made it increasingly challenging for legitimate businesses to reach their customers. These apps indiscriminately block calls, making it difficult for businesses to connect with their target audience. This communication barrier can result in lost opportunities and hindered growth.

Dialer.One: Breaking Through the Blockade


Dialer.One emerges as the ultimate solution to overcome the obstacles posed by RoboCaller and scam blocking apps. How does it work?

  1. Smart Dialing Technology: Dialer.One employs cutting-edge predictive dialing technology that ensures your calls are not mistakenly labeled as spam. Say goodbye to missed connections and lost leads.
  2. Data-Driven Strategies: Our platform prioritizes calls based on lead quality and predictive analytics. This means your agents are engaging with the most promising leads, optimizing your conversion rates.
  3. Avoiding DNC Violations: Dialer.One provides built-in compliance mechanisms to help you steer clear of costly DNC violations. Stay on the right side of the law while reaching out to potential customers.
  4. TCPA Litigation Protection: Our platform’s advanced features protect you from TCPA litigators by ensuring that your communication practices are in full compliance with regulations.

Saving Thousands with Dialer.One’s Custom Solution

Beyond overcoming robocaller blocks and legal hurdles, Dialer.One offers a groundbreaking solution that can potentially save your business thousands of dollars each month. What sets us apart?

  1. Ownership, Not Monthly Charges: With Dialer.One, you own the custom-built dialer solution. Say goodbye to expensive per-seat monthly charges that can eat into your budget. This ownership model allows you to maximize savings and control your communication costs.
  2. Scalability and Flexibility: As your business expands, Dialer.One grows with you. There’s no need to worry about any restrictions for scaling up your operations.
  3. Exceptional Support: Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you. We’re not just a software provider; we’re your partner in communication success.

Start Saving Your Business Money Today!

Don’t let RoboCaller, DNC violations, and TCPA litigators impede your business growth and drain your resources. Dialer.One is your comprehensive solution to these challenges, offering smart technology, compliance protection, and substantial cost savings.

It’s time to break through the communication blockade and take control of your business’s future. Visit today to explore the possibilities and embark on a journey towards enhanced communication, compliance, and savings. Dialer.One: Empowering your business for success.

CyburDial: Your One-Stop Solution to Revitalize Your Contact Center

Connect center solution

# CyburDial: Your One-Stop Solution to Revitalize Your Contact Center

As businesses grow, seamless communication becomes an imperative need. Whether you are a solar company, a real estate entity, a marketing agency, or a health insurance company, focusing on revenue generation while maintaining absolute control of your business can be a challenging dance. This is where CyburDial comes in.

CyburDial is a potent solution offered by Dialer One, a platform renowned for providing a complete and controlled customer service solution. Its state-of-the-art cloud-based business management operations platform ensures you have absolute control over inbound and outbound customer campaigns. Imagine owning a contact center system, without having to rely on another business’s response time for support or facing downtimes.

Agent communication platform
Agent communication platform

## Full System Automation

CyburDial breaks the shackles of traditional contact center systems with full system automation. It includes AI-driven answering machine detection which reduces wasted time by connecting your agents to real humans rather than answering machines. This potent system also seamlessly integrates with top CRMs such as High Level, Salesforce, Zoho, amid providing blended outbound and inbound campaigns.

## Elevated Agent Performance

Monitoring agent performance is pivotal for the growth and efficiency of any contact center. With CyburDial this becomes as easy as pie. It provides full visibility as to what all your agents are doing, along with comprehensive reports. A full Quality Control and Coaching Implementation helps in elevating the standards, thereby directly reflecting on the growth of the company.

Efficient agent time management
Efficient agent time management

## Time Management Efficiency

Time Management is often overlooked in a bustling contact center. CyburDial handles this powerful aspect by monitoring the actions of agents at a granular level. It also includes a full Learning Management System for easy onboarding of new agents.

## Why Choose CyburDial?

One of the standout features of CyburDial that sets it apart is that you own the system. Yes, there are no monthly per seat charges, thereby cutting your business overhead by a significant 65%. The US-based customer support is efficient, effective, and commendable. Above all, the platform is customizable and can be fully integrated with most CRM systems, which means you can add or remove features as per your requirements.

If you wish to focus on revenue-generating activities while maintaining complete control of your business operations, CyburDial is the right move for you.

Get started now and witness your business flourish like never before!

How to – Modify your options.php file to get the most out of your dialer

Real time screen

How to – Modify your options.php file to get the most out of your dialer

This article is going to go over the options.php files for both the real time screen and the agent login screen. I am actually surprised to find out how many people don’t use or even know about these simple changes that make dialer management so much easier and more professional. Ok so we’ll start with the options setup for the real time screen.

Step 1 – Edit the options-example.php file that controls the real time screen

Login to your server and navigate to your vicidial directory. In Leap, that would be /srv/www/htdocs/vicidial and for CentOS, Alma or Rocky, it’s /var/www/html/vicidial. Once you change to the property directory, edit options-example.php with your favorite editor, I personally use nano, as shown in the picture below:

Changes to options.php

You’ll notice up towards the top of the file, you can change the location, size and type of webphone to use on the real time screen. Below that starts the real changes that you should change by default on every install you do. I personally change the refresh time($RS_RR) from 40 to 4, SERVdisplay from 0 to 1 to show which servers are making calls and what server each agents phone is on, CUSTINFOdisplay from 0 to 1 which will display the customers number and state on the real time only to level 9 savings by default but you can lower that on the next setting. CARRIERstats is next, from 0 to 1 which will show your carier responses on your real time, AGENTtimeSTATS from 0 to 1, as well as logoutLINK, parkSTATS and SLAstats from 0 to 1.

The last settings I change are DIDdesc from 0 to 1, report_default_format I set to ‘HTML’, I enable AGENTlatency by changing to a 1, this way I can see what agents have poor internet connections and are lagging too much and then finally, I add ‘SALE’ to AGENTstatusTALLY so it shows how many sales each agent has on the real time. Now there’s other things that can be changed as well, just be careful and when you save the file, rename it from options-example.php to options.php like below:

Screenshot 20230903 1035462 1

This is what your finished project will look like:

Real time screen
Real time screen

Step 2 – Editing your options file in relation to the agents login and screen

There is only a few changes for this file, so go ahead and navigate to the agc directory by backing out of the current one by typing “cd ..” and then “cd agc”. Once again, edit the options-example.php and change the following settings starting with user login first which makes it where your agents only need to login with user and pass rather than phone and pass as well, but you need to save their phone login and phone pass to the user accounts.

Screenshot 20230903 1104592

Well , that’s all there is to it, if you have any questions feel free to stop by our group chat which now has over 200 members from the vicidial forums –

I hope this helps!

-Chris aka carpenox

Contact Center Build-Outs

Custom built dialer

Contact Center Build-Outs

Why choose us for your Contact Center Build-Out?

We are the only vendor on the planet that has everything under one roof for a complete Contact Center Build-Out.

Providing customer service is basic, however, it is a top priority that directly affects a company’s bottom line. With Dialer One, you have control of inbound/outbound customer campaigns without contracts or excuses from a service provider. Wouldn’t it be nice to own your own contact center system? Imagine not having to rely on another businesses downtime or wait time for support. We specialize in building your business a contact center system that not only dials your customers, but also had the ability to email, chat directly with potential clients from your website or other platforms, send and receive text messages, video conferencing, as well as full integrations with your CRM of choice such as Zoho, SalesForce, vTiger, SuiteCRM or any other CRM software of your choice. So what are you waiting for, give us a call now and let’s talk about how we can help you triple your results at the very least with our Contact Center Build-Outs!

Voip phone system
Voip phone system

What Is Included in your Contact Center Build-Out?

Full System Automation

  • AI numbers which takes your DID you place the call from, changes the caller ID to a local area code presence and attestation level A shaken token and then sends the call, if the caller calls back, it’s handled by their backend to automatically map the call back to your original DID.
  • Full 2-Way seamless integrations with High Level, SalesForce, Zoho and more.
  • Artificial Intelligence driven answering machine detection giving your agents more humans and less answering machines, saving wasted time and money
  • Blended outbound & inbound campaigns
  • All Leads Go To All your Agents

Agent Performance Monitoring

  • Full Visibility as to what all your agents are doing
  • Provide full reports for all your clients
  • Full Quality ControlControlControlControloutboundControlControlControlControloutbound Implementation
  • Full Quality Control and Coaching implemented: We’ve examined countless call centers and almost everyone is missing the mark!
OIG 18

Agent Performance / Time Management

  • Able to monitor what agents are doing at a granular level
  • Individual agent monitoring / DID disposition
  • Monitor agents individually for conversion rates.
  • Full Learning Management System for easy onboarding of new agents

Who Should Use Dialer One’s Services?

  • Solar Companies
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Health Insurance Companies
  • Real Estate Companies
  • Travel Agencies and Vacation clubs

Any company that wants to focus on revenue-generating activities and also be in complete control of their business. We are ready to get you going TODAY!

Hey, my name is Chris aka carpenox. I am one of the most well known vicidial contributers on the planet, just ask around. The blog on our website gets over 250 hits a day from around the globe and I also contribute on the ViciDial forums. I know this dialer system inside and out and have made many custom features for clients as needed as well as a nicer user and admin interface. I now have put together a team of talented individuals to which we build custom dialer solutions with full CRM integrations and API capabilities as needed through your requests. So what are you waiting for? Let us start building your future!

Fill out the form below to get started or join our live support channel .

OIG 10

Special Offer for the first 10 applicants : Basic dialer build that YOU own for $250(50% off)

Why choose The Dialer One? Here’s what sets us apart:

You own this system, you don’t rent it so there’s no monthly charges. Reduce you’re business overhead by 65%, without those expensive per user monthly dialer fees. Effective and efficient USA based customer support. Unbeatable pricing – With this one time discount of 50% off, you can’t beat it for something you’ll own once built. Fully customizable platform, with full API capabilities, features to add or remove with thousands of options, plus the design itself can all be changed. Can be fully integrated with most CRM systems such as Zoho, SugarCRM, TigerCRM, GoHighLevel or whatever CRM you are using. Guaranteed one POC – You’ll be assigned your own support rep to handle your entire build process. Remote installation, your support tech will install your system with all your changes directly onto YOUR server, not ours within 24 hours of your purchase.

Experience seamless communication from your state-of-the-art VoIP phone system custom built to meet your business needs. As a special offer, we’re providing a basic dialer build to the next 10 applicants! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the possibilities and reduce your monthly communication costs but as much as 75%!

Just to clarify, your dialer system can do everything the big companies like RingCentral, Dialpad, Convoso and the others can do and much much more with the ability to add both basic and API features, as and when needed. Not only that but we can also integrate your CRM with automated processes that add the information for you as soon as your sales call is done. Not only that, but we can also add other communication options such as SMS, Video chat, WhatsApp, Facebook and more. How is that possible? It’s YOUR system, you OWN it, you don’t rent it with those expensive monthly or yearly charges. So what are you waiting for, let’s get your dialer system up and running today!

If you want to get right into a more advanced build with API triggers and design changes or added features, we will give you a free quote today.

For a free quote on a more customized system click here

If you’re ready to buy our $250 special, clock the button below: