Archives February 2025

How to – Fix “WARNING[2204]: acl.c:890 resolve_first: Unable to lookup ‘SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP'”


How to – Fix “WARNING[2204]: acl.c:890 resolve_first: Unable to lookup ‘SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP'”


This error is the newer SVN versions and technically, won’t cause any issues, however here is the fix for it. Type the following command in your Linux Command Line:

sudo sed -i 's/SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP/' /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf

That’s all there is to it.

Chris aka carpenox

How to – Upgrade any Leap ViciBox install to Leap 15.6

Leap 15.6

How to – Upgrade any Leap ViciBox install to Leap 15.6

A lot of people seem to be keeping their systems on older Vicibox installs such as v9 which is on Leap 15.1, v10 which is on Leap 15.3 or v11 which is on Leap 15.5 which are all end of life. The reasoning behind this, is you are thinking that you are safe with whitelist only IP access to the server, however, you are mistaken. As software reaches its end of life, it no longer receives updates. This means it also stops receiving security patches. Even with IP access only, your firewall can be hit with a denial of service attack, taking it offline. All your software, including MySQL, Apache, OpenSSH, and the Linux kernels themselves, can then be hacked using exploits to gain full root to your servers. This article will teach you how to upgrade any of these to the latest and only supported version of Leap, 15.6, so let’s get started.

ViciBox 10
468x60 Seamless Conversations and Collaboration

Step 1 – Upgrade Repo URL’s

In this example, I am upgrading from ViciBox 10 from Leap 15.3 up to 15.6. You will notice the first line of code has s/15.3/15.6/g which you would need to replace the first part with whatever you are upgrading from, such as ViciBox 9 would be 15.1.

sed -i 's/15.3/15.6/g' /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.repo
zypper --releasever=15.6 lr -u
zypper lr

You can see in the picture above, these first steps will replace the repo URL’s, however, some have been changed even more than just the 15.6 portion and we will need to replace those. Below, I will show you how to find which ones to remove by the errors you receive that will be in red.

zypper --releasever=15.6 ref
zypper lr
zypper rr 2
zypper rr 3 
Screenshot 2025 02 12 121712

In this picture above, you can see repo #’s 2 and 4 are broken which is Perl and Ast-13 so I removed it with the code above by typing “zypper rr 2” and then “zypper rr 3” (its 3 here and not 4 because when we deleted #2, it moved up one). Now on the next step, we will add all the repo’s we need and replace the ones we deleted.
zypper ar
zypper ar
zypper ar
zypper ar
zypper ar
zypper ar
Screenshot 2025 02 12 121259
250x300 Business Communications

Now the hard part is done, lets run the updates.

Step 2 – Upgrade the OS

zypper --releasever=15.6 ref
zypper --releasever=15.6 dup

When you run these two commands, you will get errors, you want to make sure you are installing asterisk 16 so pressing 1 most of the way down, and then “breaking vicibox-install” towards the end which I believe was 4.

Screenshot 2025 02 12 121957

You will then reach the portion to say “y” like in the picture below:

Screenshot 2025 02 12 121928

Once everything downloads and installs, you can reboot and you will see the new OS will be labeled as Leap 15.6 when you type “cat /etc/os-release” as you see below even though it is still labeled as ViciBox 10:

Screenshot 2025 02 12 124404

Step 3 – Confirm everything that ViciDial needs is installed

zypper install ppp ppp-devel autoconf automake kernel-default-devel kernel-devel gcc make libtool libedit-devel libedit kernel-default dahdi* libopenssl-devel

zypper install php screen php-mcrypt subversion php-cli php-gd php-curl php-mysql php-ldap php-zip php-fileinfo php-opcache

zypper in wget unzip make patch gcc gcc-c++ subversion php php-devel php-gd gd-devel readline-devel php-mbstring php-mcrypt

zypper in php-imap php-ldap php-mysqli php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick 

zypper in newt-devel libxml2-devel kernel-devel sqlite-devel libuuid-devel sox sendmail lame-devel htop iftop perl-File-Which

zypper in php-opcache libss7 mariadb-devel libss7* libopen*

zypper install sqlite-devel httpd mod_ssl nano chkconfig libedit-devel uuid* libxml2*

Step 4 – Enable services

We need to reactive the asterisk and dahdi services by typing the following commands:

systemctl enable asterisk
systelctm enable dahdi

Reboot and verify everything is running correctly, check your sockets with “screen -ls” (make sure “send” and “listen” are there. Check dahdi with “dahdi_cfg -v” and if it errors, run “modprobe dahdi” and you should be good to go, but if you have any issues, join our discord at the bottom of any page for more help.

250x300 Business Communications

Chris aka carpenox

How to – Debug Webphones for ViciDial

web socket url

How to – Debug Webphones for ViciDial


I get asked several times a day in the Discord and Skype group chats about how to fix peoples webphones. So this article will be the typical steps I take in order to debug these type of issues.

image 101361115 15836239

Step 1- Is Dahdi running?

The first thing I check is is dahdi running? I do this by typing “dahdi_cfg -v” and the output should look like it does below:


You do not want it to say “1 error(s) detected” as shown below:


If it does respond like above, you need to run the command “modprobe dahdi” which will bring it into a state like the first picture which is good, retest to verify with “dahdi_cfg -v”. It could also need to be recompiled if it wasnt installed properly. I will create a separate article for this later this week.

Step 2 – Are the ports running?

if the above is functioning correctly, the next step is to make sure you see the ports that are needed for websockets to be running. You can do this by typing “ss -ltnu” and you should see ports 8088 and 8089 running like in the picture below:

image 10

If the ports are showing correctly here, move on to step 3, if not it means your configuration file for web sockets is not setup correctly. To fix this you need to edit your /etc/asterisk/http.conf file and make sure it looks like below or you can copy this file from my github:


One you update this file, restart Asterisk and check its status for web sockets by typing the follow commands:

asterisk -rx 'core restart now'
asterisk -rx 'http show status'

It should output as shown below:


You can also verify the ports are running like we did in step 2 above.

image 101361114 15836241

Step 3 – Is the webrtc template setup correctly?

Now let’s login to the ViciDial admin GUI and make sure the webrtc template is setup with the proper settings. You can copy the template below and refer to the picture to verify yours is done correctly.

webrtc template

You can get to this area by going down to “Admin” then clicking “templates”


Step 4 – Is the web socket server setup?

On this last step, go into admin once again and click on “servers” and make sure you have the websocket set in the “Web Socket URL” as shown below in the following format:

websocket server

If everything here is setup correctly, your webphones should be working. However there is a couple other possible causes, such as not allowing the mic to access the agents webpage, broken headsets, expired or bad SSL certificates. You can acceess our support channels in the Discord and Skype links at the top of the page for more help, its free. Hopefully this helps solve some of the more common issues.

Chris aka carpenox

How to – Set Up Load Balanced Phones and Calling for ViciDial

bulk phone insert

How to – Set Up Load Balanced Phones and Calling for ViciDial

Step 1: Ensure Prerequisites

Before you start, make sure you have:

webrtc template

Step 2: Access the Bulk Phone Insert Page in the Admin Utilities on the Reports Page

  1. Log in to your VICIdial web interface.
  2. Navigate to the “Bulk Phone Insert Page” in the Admin utilities by clicking on the appropriate menu option in admin utilities on the reports page as shown below:
admin untilities
bulk Phone Insert
bulk Phone Insert
image 101361114 14092462

Step 3: Prepare Phone extensions and server IP’s

  1. Create a column in Excel or Google Sheets with your list of phone extensions as shown below
  2. Do the same for the server IP’s for all your telephony/asterisk servers

Step 4: Configure the Phone Alias and Phone info

  1. On the Bulk Phone Insert Page, you’ll see all the options to set with an example below
  2. Copy your extensions and servers to the appropriate pages
  3. Configure the servers, phones, registration password(anything you want), Login Password(anything), Create Alias Entries = YES, Suffix you can leave blank, Context=default, Set as Webphone=Y, Template ID to your webrtc template and hit Submit.
image 6 png

That’s it, you have now properly load balanced your webphones across all your telephony servers. now we can move on to properly load balancing the calls on each.

Step 5: Enable Balance Dialing on all servers

  1. Go into Admin > Servers and then into each telephony server and make sure “Balance Dialing” is set to Y
  2. You can give the servers higher ranks for harder calling on the ones with higher ranks where it says “Balance Rank”
Balance Dialing
Balance RankThis is the way the ranking works
This field allows you to set the order in which this server is to be used for balance dialing, if balance dialing is enabled. The server with the highest rank will be used first in placing Balance fill calls. Default is 0.
image 101361114 15620149

That is all there is to it, you have now properly load balanced your cluster with both the phones and the calls. This will help keep the dialing load equally spread out over your cluster, therefore not overwhelming one or two servers more than others. As always if you have any questions feel free to join our discord:

Chrris aka carpenox

How to – Renew your certbot SSL cert when it fails

Screenshot 2025 02 07 180422 png

How to – Renew your certbot SSL cert when it fails

enewing a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate can sometimes result in an “unauthorized” error. This error typically indicates that the certificate authority (CA) couldn’t verify your domain ownership2. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

Step 1 – Turn the firewall off and remove old files

So for some reason sometimes the certbot certificates renewal process will not go through and you will see an error like this saying “unauthorized”:

Screenshot 2025 02 07 180305 2

You need to remove the cert folders for archive and live in cd /etc/letsencrypt/ as shown above as well as the .conf file and rename the viciportal.conf file:

cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/
rm -rf
cd /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
rm -rf
rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/viciportal-ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Replace “” with your domain

Step 2 – Rerun the certbot command

After step 1 is complete, you can rerun “certbot” which will recreate the .conf file we deleted and recreate the SSL cert, but with -0001 added to the new directories so we need to copy these new folders to the old locations for the viciportal.conf to work without changes.

Screenshot 2025 02 07 180422

First rename the viciportal conf back to the correct name as shown below then copy the directories:

mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/ /etc/httpd/conf.d/viciportal-ssl.conf
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/
cp -r

Step 3 – Restart Apache and Turn the firewall back on

Screenshot 2025 02 07 180447
service httpd restart
service firewalld start

This will work on any certs you have issued from my auto installers, its a bug I haven’t quite worked out yet. If you have any input to fix the renewals please comment here or join the Discord:

Chris aka carpenox

Introducing the New and Improved Full White Label Theme for ViciDial 2025 Edition by CyburDial

Agent 2025

Introducing the New and Improved Full White Label Theme for ViciDial 2025 Edition by CyburDial

CyburDial is excited to announce the release of the 2025 edition of its Full White Label Theme for ViciDial! This latest version brings a host of new features and improvements designed to enhance the user experience for call center agents and administrators alike.

image 101361114 15620149

Enhanced Agent Screen Features

  • admin-melon
  • admin-green
  • Admin-dark-2
  • white admin

The new theme introduces several key features on the agent screen, including:

  • Disable Leads: Agents can now disable leads directly from the interface, streamlining the workflow and improving efficiency.
  • Manual Dial Buttons: The addition of manual dial buttons allows agents to have more control over their dialing process, ensuring they can handle calls more effectively.
  • More Customization Options: Agents can now customize their interface to better suit their individual preferences and working styles.
Agent 2025
Agent 2025
image 101361114 14092462

Bug Fixes and Interface Improvements

Over the past year, CyburDial has diligently worked on addressing bugs and improving the overall interface of ViciDial. These enhancements include:

  • Resolved Bugs: Numerous bugs reported by users have been fixed, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience.
  • Interface Updates: The interface has been updated to be more intuitive and user-friendly, making it easier for agents to navigate and perform their tasks.

Added Support for Foreign Languages

Recognizing the global reach of ViciDial, the 2025 edition now includes support for additional foreign languages. This makes it easier for call centers around the world to use ViciDial in their native languages, improving communication and efficiency.


Try It Out Today

To learn more about the new and improved Full White Label Theme for ViciDial 2025 edition, visit our website:

We look forward to seeing how this new edition helps your call center achieve even greater success!