There is a new issue since the evolution of the ViciPhone version 3 and CyburPhone version 3.2.5 that has been happening and I will go over how to solve it for everyone. The new feature in ViciDial that uses a settings container called “viciphone settings” has a setting by default that has the webphone dial its own extension which then gets you a result of a sound file telling you that “The number you have dialed is not in service”. The solution for this is simple, just need to change one line in the settings container as described below:
This will now fix your webphone. If you have any questions feel free to comment below or join our live support on Skype:
This article is to help those of you having problems with viciphone lately. It seems that googles stun server has reached end of life and no longer works correctly. You need to change the stun server to a different one. Here is a list of public stun servers:
Good question, you need to edit your rtp.conf file for asterisk.
That’s it, youre done. If you have any problems or questions feel free to comment below.
I hope this helps.
-Chris aka Nox
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