How to – Fix error in Vicidial: There is a time synchronization problem with your system, please tell your system administrator

How to – Fix error in Vicidial: There is a time synchronization problem with your system, please tell your system administrator


How to – Fix error in Vicidial: There is a time synchronization problem with your system, please tell your system administrator

There is a time synchronization problem with your system, please tell your system administrator

There is a time synchronization problem with your system
Time Sync Error

In case you have this error upon installation or upgrade your Vicibox/Vicidial check the following:

  1. Using timedatectl utility make sure server’s timezone is set correctly and server’s date/time is correct. Set proper timezone if needed
  2. Check that timezone is correct in /etc/php7/apache2/php.ini. Set proper timezone if needed and restart Apache
  3. If it did not help check and compare time values in Vicidial database, server time and PHP time. Use the following command:
1# echo “SELECT server_ip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(db_time) from server_updater” | mysql -uroot asterisk && php -r “date_default_timezone_set(‘America/New_York’); echo ‘php time: ‘.date(‘U’);” && echo “”

Specify your timezone in the command above. This should output three values that must be the same.

If DB time is wrong it means that /usr/share/astguiclient/ script does not update DB value. Try to launch it manually and check for output.

If it throws error:

pattern match timed-out at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 470

The code at line 470 is a “waitfor()” function that is attempting to match the response from the Asterisk server with a regex pattern but the response from the server doesn’t match the regex pattern.

Patch the file:

in two places near line 470 and near line  534 replace:




then make sure can run and DB time value is updated.

It expects only 0123 at the end while Asterisk Manager responses with:

123456789# telnet 5038 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. Asterisk Call Manager/2.10.<strong>5</strong>

Another way to patch:

Original: $t-waitfor(‘/[0123]\n$/]);

Replacement: $t-waitfor(‘/Asterisk Call Manager.+\n$/’);

Check the following files for this issue and patch them as well:   – line 237  
– line 236

/usr/share/astguiclient/ runs in a separate detached “ASTupdate” screen and can be accessed as:

1# screen -r ASTupdate

maybe you will need to kill it and start it up again after your database changes was made

To see the list of screens:

12345678910111213141516171819# screen -ls There are screens on:         2715.ASTemail   (Detached)         2712.ASTVDadFILL        (Detached)         2709.ASTfastlog (Detached)         2706.ASTVDadapt (Detached)         2691.ASTupdate  (Detached)         2315.asterisk   (Detached)         2302.astshell20200129173240     (Detached) 7 Sockets in /run/screens/S-root.
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