How to – Set the time zone for PHP and DB in the reports page for Vicidial
PHP Time
How to – Set the time zone for PHP and DB in the reports page for Vicidial
Syncing your time zone for ViciDial or CyburDial
This is a pretty simple process, but if you are unfamiliar with linux, it can be quite overwhelming to figure out how to solve this issue when it relates to vicidial. The steps below will go over how to fix this issue:
ViciDial Cluster
Login to your server and follow these commands:
cd /etc/php7/cli
nano php.ini
pg dn about 24 times until you see the picture below
Do the same thing for /etc/php7/apache
cd /etc/php7/apache
nano php.ini
pg dn 24 times and change accordingly
That’s all there is to it. Check out our blog for other useful information on vicidial
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