How to set “callback to queue” option in your campaign

How to set “callback to queue” option in your campaign

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How to – Set the “callback to queue” option in vicidial for your campaign

Below are the settings you need to set in order to get “Callback to Queue” options to work correctly.

callback to queue
This is edited in your Ingroup settings

If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to comment or message us directly through skype.



I have a campaign with an attention queue but now we need that when the queue is full the announcement indicates how many users are in front of it, for example, the queue announcement could be “Right now all our agents are busy, your turn is number 5 has a waiting time of approximately 4:30 minutes”
There is a service or application which can integrate Vicidial to offer this service, it would be a kind of turn-based system for the queue.
This option could be works?

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