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How will this save you money?

  1. Host your company website > No more hosting costs
  2. Host your dialer in house: No more dialer hosting costs
  3. PBX System: Eliminate the need for phone service from AT&T or whoever(Keep your current numbers)
  4. Production: Keep track of production with time clock features, CRM integration, tracking sales and cost/profits of individual agents(Is the juice worth the squeeze?)
  5. Dialer Cost: Can be charged per minute(as low as 0.10 per min) or Flat rates based per channels for unlimited
  6. Free tech support for 14 days with initial setup!

Live Demo Available now with Manager and Agent Logins.

CyburDial Agent
CyburDial Agent

Some of the new features of Vicidial:

  • Integrated chat feature between managers and agents
  • Incoming customer chats directed from your website straight to live agents
  • SSL Secure Certificate Capable for security
  • Soundboards agent can play pre-recorded messages thru the dialer
  • More reports than you know what to do with to keep track of every aspect of the business & SO MUCH MORE!

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