How to set timed actions during a call in your campaign

How to set timed actions during a call in your campaign

image 4

How to – Set timer action in Vicidial for your campaign

This will show you how to drop a call to a call menu or other options after a certain amount of time

How to set timer action in Vicidial: Go into detail view of the campaign and scroll down to “Timer Action” and choose the option you want to use

image 4
Timer Actions

To send the call to a call menu go into the “Inbound” menu and click on “Add A New Call Menu”

image 5
Inbound Menu

Name the call menu accordingly

image 6

In this example below, the “Menu Prompt” is set to a recording the caller will hear once they are sent to this call menu

timer action vicidial

and call menus can get more intense with different options as you will see below

set timer action vicidial

If you have any other questions on this feature, make sure to use our live support in your client portal section or by following this link:

securi png

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